Saturday, March 22, 2014

NEW! Handmade Gift : Wall Decor by TalkingCard

It's March 22'2014, Indonesia...

And i still with our new project for +Talking Card, it's about home decor. Yey, finally we can get this project to make not only making a card but making home decor especially in wall decor. Yeah, everything about paper art, i love it :)

And i want to share with you our new project, cute wall decor. And here's the result :

Purple Home Decor 3D Frame "Do With Love"

The inspiration of this purple frame is a window cafe. It will remind people that everyday will be a great day if we do everything with love. I changed street lamp with a heart metal with a sentence "handmade with love" and the rabbit will remind you that you enter Spring time. Ups, i made something special for the rabbit, it's a blue dress :D For finishing, i have changed flowers with a cotton heart. I used recycled things from my last bracelet, the black circle around the pink heart. Yes, it's recycled things :) Hope you can enjoy this wall decor :)

Orange Wooden Home Decor 3D Frame "LIFE"

Not only purple, but i tried to make your room fresh with orange wooden frame. Well, you can check this out :

The story behind this frame : 

i got an inspiration from Spring Time. I tried to draw in magic paper (i called it magic paper coz from black paper, we can draw on it and it will change its color). I tried to draw a life tree.So colorful and wonderful. Very difficult in cutting proccess coz i'm newbie in paper cutting. Need more training. Then i got very powerful quote "Choose you friends with caution, Plan your Future with Purpose and Frame you life with FAITH" It's WOW! Then i added cotton butterfly, 2 cute people from clay, an animal sticker and yeah blue circle foam. And for the tree, i added flowers from clay and blue clovers.

This frame will remind people about Life. How we can enjoy our life when we can choose our right friends, plan our future and of course when we have Faith in this life.

Hope you can enjoy our new product in home decor and contact us if you need home decor for your life.

Happy crafting.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Free AGAIN! Printable Stone Paper

Do you love paper design?

I tried to make something different with a paper. N suddenly, i got an idea to draw this stone paper design. Stone, it describes power, very strong and integrity. You can use this paper to wrap special thing for your boyfriend, your dad, your boss, or maybe your brother. Or maybe you can use this stone design to make your room so different. That's 100% up to you, friends :)

Hope yu enjoy it, Happy sharing ^^v

Free Printable Stone Paper

FREE! Printable Flower Paper by TalkingCard

Give and you will be given :)

I always love this quote because it's real and true. When we only think what can people give for us, we will get nothing. But when we think what can we give for people, we will get something great. Do you agree with that, guys? :)

And yeah, i will give something for you that looking for new design for paper. I made it for you, special for you. So, use it and happy crafting, friends. Really glad i can share something with this world ~(^_^)~

Free Printable Flower Paper

Behind The Scene Making Handmade Birthday Card from Paper

Hola, everyone :)

Life is beautiful when we can give thanks for it. Isn't right?

Dan itu sebabnya lebih dari kado apapun di dunia ini, jauh lebih indah ketika kita bisa membuat seseorang bersyukur atas kehidupan yang dimilikinya saat ia sedang berulang tahun. Why? Karena ada banyak banget orang-orang yang saat ultah hanya berpikir tentang cake, gift, surprise, dinner dan sesuatu yang bersifat sementara. But, seringkali setelah ulang tahunnya selesai, kebahagiaan itu ikut memudar.

Yeah, itu sebabnya jangan hanya berikan sesuatu yang akan terlupakan begitu saja dan tidak mengubah kehidupan seseorang, but mulailah memberikan sesuatu yang menyentuh kehidupan seseorang, yang membuatnya bersyukur atas kehidupan yang ia miliki.

Dan edisi kali ini +Talking Card mau berbagi sedikit kisah dari pembuatan sebuah kartu ulang tahun yang dipesan oleh seseorang di Jogja. Gift khusus yang dibuat seorang kakak buat adik tercintanya. Demi menjadikan sebuah kartu yang sangat spesial ini @TalkingCard membutuhkan waktu kurang lebih 2 jam mulai dari memikirkan desain, mengonsepnya, pemilihan bahan sampai dengan pengerjaannya. Very special birthday card :)

Making Handmade Birthday Card from Ordinary Paper

Bahan yang dipakai untuk pembuatan kartu ini adalah karton kaku (biasa dijual di toko karpet, toko buku, etc). Dan karton ini dibentuk jadi frame tentu saja :) Untuk ukuran saya memilih 13x17cm.

TIPS : Pilih kertas karton dengan ketebalan yang lumayan yah, jangan terlalu tipis karena kalo dijadikan frame bakal melengkung dan hasilnya gag maksimal :)

Kemudian kertas yang saya pakai untuk melapisi kertas karton kaku ini adalah kertas tissue tekstur (bisa didapatkan di toko buku terdekat). Berhubung yang ulang tahun suka banget warna biru, biru otomatis menjadi pilihan saya. Berikut ini penampakan awal mula pembuatan special birthday card ini :

Ordinary Paper for Handmade Birthday Card

Selanjutnya tinggal lem sana sini supaya membentuk frame, kawand-kawand.

TIPS : Saat pengeleman kertas tipis seperti kertas tissue, mohon berhati-hati yah kawand karena kertas jenis gini gampang robeknya.

Setelah itu saya mulai memilih kertas origami berwarna pink sebagai alas dan mulai deh saya berkreasi dengan pernak-pernik yang saya miliki. Saya bukain dulu yah beberapa pernak-pernik yang saya miliki saat ini :

Stuff Box for Crafting

TIPS : Pemilihan tempat asesoris itu sangat penting. Jadi pastika kita memilih tempat yang benar-benar efektif menampung semua pernak-pernik keperluan crafting, sehingga saat kita memerlukannya kita gag perlu repot kebingungan. Dan dilihat pun tampak cantik ^^

Kali ini saya memilih memakai asesoris dari clay berbentuk wanita dan pria. Si wantia menggambarkan adik cewe yang lagi ultah, si cowo menggambarkan si kakak cowo yang pesen ini kartu. Tidak lupa saya juga nambahin menara eiffel karena nendang banget menurut saya. Saya juga memilih beberapa asesoris kayu berbentuk kupu-kupu untuk penghias.

Yang utama tentu saja pemilihan kata-kata spesial untuk membuat si adik mengerti betapa hidupnya sangat berarti. Itu sebabnya saya pilihkan satu kalimat spesial khusus untuk dirinya. Dan yang unik saya tambahkan sepasang kertas sandal (yang saya print sendiri) untuk tag pemberi dan penerima kartu. Sentuhan terakhirnya tentu saja pemakaian barang bekas, karena @TalkingCard always support Go Green. Kali ini barang bekas yang dipakai adalah sebuah pita biru usang bekas jepit rambut saya semasa kuliah dulu. Plus satu kupu-kupu kertas bekas kartu jaman saya masih kuliah juga.

Dan inilah hasil akhirnya dari proses tersebut, guys :

Eiffel Handmade Birthday Card

Yah begitu deh sedikit sharing tentang bagaimana kita bisa mengubah kertas yang biasa banget menjadi sesuatu yang berarti banget and bisa ngubahin cara pandang seseorang terhadap dirinya dan masa depannya. So, mulai sekarang yuk jangan asal kasih kado, tapi pastikan kita memberikan sesuatu yang akan membuat seseorang mengerti betul betapa dirinya sangat berarti.

Happy crafting day ^^


+Rosalina Omega

Monday, March 3, 2014

Free Printable Tag by TalkingCard

Because this is March, i just wanna to giveaway free printable tags. You can use a tag to make sure your card, gift or anything will be so different with your name there :) Just write your name i this tag and you will know that your name is so wonderful when you can share your love to someone that you love :)

Here's you can download the link. Happy giving, friends ^^

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Handmade Card for Special Day

I always love Valentine coz it's a very special day when we can spread love to everyone that we love. And i made some ideas to make some handmade cards in Val's day that ordered by someone that very kind to spread love to her friends.

And i share the idea to you and hope it can give you an inspiration to spread your love :) Fyi, i used some recycled paper to support Go Green Campaign in these handmade cards.

*to make this card i printed free background, then mixed with ice cream stick and some 3D stickers. And i add recycled 3D flowers from old card. And wrote the words with puffy pen by Amos. All frames made from hard paper :)

*to make this card i printed free background, then mixed with some 3D stickers. I really love paper cutting in the dice, i cut it with 4mm blade. The triangle i made from recycled paper. All frames made from hard paper :)

*to make this card i printed free background, then mixed with blue ribbon that give cool atmosphere in this card. I made small triangle from sponge. And last i added 3D sticker "14th February". All frames made from hard paper :)

*to make this card i printed free background, 3D stickers. 2nd red flowers from old invitation and a vintage label. I decor the frame with puffy pen by Amos. All frames made from hard paper :)

Sometimes, i think, we can change pink with Red to coloring our Valentine's Day (i used waffer paper to make all cards above). Just my opinion :) And yah i love flowers to make a card be different. I used recycled plastic flowers so hope it can help our world better and of course it changed my val's card. How about you? How you use recycled to make your craft so different? Let's save our world, friends.



Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Handmade Christmas Edition

Treng, treng, treng....

Mohon maaf sebesar-besarnya karna @TalkingCard baru bisa ngeblog lagi deh kali ini. Praise God, we did a lot of projects yang akibatnya adalah kita baru bisa share deh hasil karya kemaren-maren. And langsung aja deh kita share yah apa aja yang udah kita bikin selama akhir 2013 sampe february 2014 (maybe you can get an inspiration to start share your own love to someone special :D) Ups, dunt forget to visit my last article that used herseys to make wonderful "Herseys Christmas Card". And now, cekidot this our latest news, prend :D

1. Christmas in The Air

Yah, Christmasnya udah berlalu nie tapi love in Christmas-nya gag bakal berlalu loh coz banyak banget diantara kawand-kawand yang mematrikan kasih Natal mereka menjadi bentuk sebuah kartu imoet nan loecoe ala @TalkingCard :) Kaya gimana penampakannya? Lihat dokumen di bawah ini yah, kawand :)

#LatePost Handmade Card 1

Handmade Christmas Card
Theme : Blue Warm Christmas
Size : 13cm x 17cm

#LatePost Handmade Card 2

Handmade Christmas Card
Theme : Classic Wooden Christmas
Size : 13cm x 17cm

#LatePost Handmade Card 3

Handmade Christmas Card
Theme : Loving Family Sparkling Blue
Size : 13cm x 17cm

#LatePost Handmade Card 4

Handmade Christmas Card
Theme : Fun Snowman Pink Christmas
Size : 13cm x 17cm

#LatePost Handmade Card 5

Handmade Christmas Card
Theme : Sporty Healthy Pinky Christmas
Size : 13cm x 17cm

#LatePost Handmade Card 6

Handmade Christmas Card
Theme : Soccer Addict Green Christmas
Size : 13cm x 17cm

#LatePost Handmade Card 7

Handmade Christmas Card
Theme : Sweet Love for Sweet Christmas
Size : 13cm x 17cm

#LatePost Handmade Card 8

Handmade Christmas Card
Theme : Cheerful Warm Family
Size : 13cm x 17cm

All products used paper, recycled things, stickers, printable label, clay and ribbon. If you want to ask more bout our products, pls contact us :

